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IoT Devices Vulnerable to Security Breaches


May 19, 2016

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IoT Devices Vulnerable to Security Breaches

Hackers have proven they know how to make fast money at the expense of consumers who are uninformed about malicious applications. So, with the IoT device trend moving forward, surely cyber criminals are right now working on a profitable business model.

With current mediocre security measures in place, IoT opens up a wide range of opportunities for scammers to intrude on people”s lives. However developers must have one goal in mind — consumer safety, especially when building software for smart cars, warns security specialist Josh Corman. Corman, founder of the I Am The Cavalry security community, attended the Building IoT conference in Cologne last week. He expressed concern over IoT infrastructure security, particularly over smart cars and medical devices.

In 2014, the cyber security group sent an open letter to the automotive industry urging attention to security when developing smart cars. IoT software development should mimic safety measures already taken by the auto industry for the past 50 years, the researchers suggested.

“For instance, a malicious InfoTainment application or a compromise over Bluetooth or wireless should never have the ability to take control over critical functions such as disabling the brakes, deploying airbags, or turning the steering wheel. Hacking the InfoTainment system should never cause an accident.”

Through this petition, the security community invited the auto industry to join forces in creating safe smart cars for the future to “set a new standard for safety.”

Because consumers are not trained to detect scams, their lives are exposed to data and privacy breaches, as no area of IoT is currently safe from hackers. Corman explained smart cars provide numerous attack angles “from in car Wi-Fi, to entertainment systems and Bluetooth locks.”

Besides the industry”s commitment to security standards, consumers need to be aware of the risks their home networks are exposed to when connecting to many devices. As malware targeting IoT devices may grant access to far more private data, security researchers warn this is only the beginning if software developers don”t spend more time focusing on security.




After having addressed topics such as NFC, startups, and tech innovation, she has now shifted focus to internet security, with a keen interest in smart homes and IoT threats.

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